This is the story of how our company was founded. In 2011, two high school friends met on the football field, little knowing the impact they would attempt to make on the world. Friendship, forged through blood, sweat, and tears both on and off the field, led to the creation of a bond that would stand the test of time. After going their separate ways, Mitchell joined the military while Saye went to school to pursue a future in medicine. However, when neither path excited them as they had imagined, they reconnected over a shared vision for the future and ironclad values: they wanted to forge a new way of doing business.

In 2020, Saye Zengbean and Mitchell Plesset founded Nimba Holdings with the intention of revolutionizing the commodities space. Through years of study in the industry and mentorship from some of the most phenomenal mentors in the country, their vision began to take shape. What's the best way to break into the industry? That's open to interpretation. We took the bull by the horns, attempting to conquer one of the most ruthless international markets: West Africa. We built a supply chain with partners around the world, registered companies in foreign nations, and even boiled water from wells that supplied people's daily needs. But due to political turmoil and logistical challenges, we found ourselves back at square one.


This time, however, there was a key difference. Nimba Holdings now had the resume and backing necessary to compete on a global scale. It was time to add our third partner, Spencer Cox, who had served alongside Mitchell in the Coast Guard, to bolster our efforts and introduce a new product to the United States: Raicilla. Spencer, having left the service to pursue other passions, became our eyes and ears on the ground. He was able to identify the highest quality product in the area and found a partner whose resume continues to astound our team. Erwin from Pequena Raiz has a distillery in Cuatla, Mexico, where his family has been crafting their beverages for four generations. None of us could have imagined a better partner for our business.


Together, we launched Nimba Spirits, in the process of revolutionizing trade in the 21st century, something we all agree was necessary. In late 2024, the first shipment arrived in North Carolina, and the rest is history in the making. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about our company.